
Real estate deals shouldn't be win-lose.

The goal is to come out the other side feeling like we all got what we needed, without giving up more than we wanted.
Once a deal is firm, it’s even more important that we’re all rowing in the same direction.

If you thought agents just sat back and sighed with relief once conditions are met, think again.
Stuff comes up.

Mom and Dad can’t house us in their basement after all for those 3 weeks we’re between houses.

The washing machine malfunctioned and flooded the basement 2 days before closing.

Junior ran down the hallway with an open magic marker while we were labeling boxes.

The appraisal came in low and we need another one.

These are just a few real-life incidents.

Here’s where both agents become late-night text buddies.

You’ll find us negotiating closing amendments. Finding short-term rental accommodations. Moving appliances. Referring painters. And finally, gathering all our comps for the next appraiser.

Of course, it all changes when one party feels like they’re not winning unless the other side is losing.
And it doesn't help anyone.

Every move has its ups and downs. Part of my job is to prepare you for them, and to make sure that small issues don't become deal breakers.